10 Reasons You Should Serve in the…

nursery! I left nursery out of the title because I know people hear nursery and don’t even give it a chance. But really, how much more important does it get than serving the littlest of church members? If JESUS wanted them to come to Him even in a busy hour, then you should too. Here are 10 reasons serving in the nursery is critical.


1. You serve the older AND younger generations when you give your time to the nursery. You heard that right… You are not just caring for a baby or toddler, but also for their parents who may not have had a moment to breathe all week until they dropped their kiddo off on Sunday morning. It’s a ministry that branches out to more than the one person you are actually with.

2.You get to change history with prayer. You get to help “train a child up in the way he should go so that when he is older he will NOT turn from it”. Even with the littlest babies who can’t repeat their memory verse, you are changing history because you get time to pray over them! What a special moment to hold a child and pray for their future, for their family, for their SALVATION!!

3. Babies and toddlers are fun. Yes, they cry. Yes, the poop their diaper. But they also give the best toothless smiles and giggles around! You cannot be grumpy with a giggling kiddo in your presence. And you cannot feel hostile while holding a peaceful, sleeping infant.

4. Getting to know kids in the nursery provides an easy opportunity to meet their parents. If you’re like me, running up to a new family is intimidating and uncomfortable. But you have a reason to meet them when you are teaching their children about Jesus. It takes the pressure and awkwardnessIMG_3044 out of introducing yourself at the perfect moment. It’s natural to exchange names when you’re spending an hour and half with someone’s child.

5. Did I mention it is ONLY an hour and a half of your time? I mean really…I don’t know many people who don’t have 1.5 hours to give to the Lord. Maybe that sounds harsh, but it’s true. I can’t say that all church nursery schedules work this way, but for Praisin’ Place we try to maintain enough volunteers so that people aren’t working more than 2 Sundays per quarter.

6. It produces gratefulness. When you volunteer in the “off stage” places in the church, you get an eye for how much work goes into a Sunday morning. When you realize all the work that takes place, it makes your heart more grateful. And that gratefulness, will in turn, minimize the temptation for a critical spirit. Feeling critical of the church and everyone around you? Take a chance and serve somewhere. I can pretty much guarantee you will quickly feel a “heart check” happen and your joy return.

7. IT’S BIBLICAL. Jesus told the disciples “If a man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all’. And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, ‘Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.” That pretty much says it all. There is tenderness in Jesus when he “takes the child into his arm”. I want to be tenderhearted like Jesus. And I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to receive God!

8. GOD IS IN THE NURSERY TOO, FOLKS! Y’all, God doesn’t just show up for the adults in their worship session. He shows up to minister to little one’s hearts. And his presence is with us everywhere we go. So, go in the nursery and share some Jesus with those kids and watch God meet you right there in that group of 3 year olds! He’s that good, y’all.

9. Teaching Bible Stories helps you comprehend and remember them better. I’ve read statistics all over the place that say you retain 90% of what you learn when you teach it! That’s phenomenal. What an easy way to write God’s word on your heart and in your mind.

10 Did I mention, it’s biblical?. God’s word says “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt 5:9) Let’s face it, toddlers require a little “peace making” from time to time. 😉

If you absolutely cannot handle working with small children, then don’t. But find somewhere to serve. Many of these apply to other areas in the church and we are called as believers to serve others. So, go find somewhere to serve!

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